Learning how to program with PERL can be tedious, though overall, its not a difficult language to learn so I created the PERL tutorials. PERL is a very versatile language, able to be integrated with web or used in private application. These PERL tutorials will help you learn the ins and outs of the PERL programming language, though to make it a coverall would be a daunting task. So I've created this PERL tutorial to cover the basics, and then its up to you where to take it from there.
I created this PERL tutorial mainly for myself, because I learn best in trying to teach others. I visit it myself from time to time when I forget functions, and find it very handy for that. I thoroughly recommend that you bookmark this site by clicking here, because it makes looking up what each PERL function does (in layman's terms) a breeze. I'm also open to suggestions on any functions you may want to add to the site, so don't be shy!
I wish you luck in learning to program in PERL. Let's dive in then! I've tried to organize the links to the right in order of difficulty, with a PERL functions making up the lower links and title Perl ***** Function. Here is your first lesson:
How to test the perl programs you create on your computer!